Supreme Maintenance Organization News & Insights

Hand Dryers or Paper Towels - Pros and Cons

Written by David Murphy | Jan 22, 2019 12:30:00 PM

Paper towels vs hand dryers (forced air), the pros and cons of each has been debated for decades. As a BSC, or an internal maintenance operation, you will, at some point, be faced with a decision on which type of hand-drying methodology to incorporate into your restrooms. Which is better? Which method provides the best overall solution in terms of cost and hygiene? As you evaluate your options, consider the following....

Hand Dryers or Paper Towels?

Paper Towels - The Pros

When properly washing our hands much of the dirt and bacteria is removed during the lathering and rinsing process. However, several studies have shown that some of those bacteria remain on our hands until we get to the hand-drying stage. Those studies have also shown that most of those remaining bacteria are absorbed by paper towels during the drying process.

It has also been proven that the use of paper towels, when compared to hand dryers, produces much less spread of germs and bacteria into the enclosed restroom environment. Germs and bacteria are absorbed within the paper towels and then disposed of. Hand dryers can literally blow those contaminates off the hands and into the air---where they are free to contaminate other surfaces.

Another advantage is that of user preference. Surveys have shown that the vast majority---~ 70%---of people prefer paper towels over hand dryers. Public restrooms that utilize paper towels are providing users with the preferred method of hand drying.

Hand Dryers - The Pros

Hand dryers do offer an advantage in terms of long-term cost. The cost of purchase, installation, and maintenance of hand dryers would be quickly offset by the ongoing cost of paper towels. A quality hand dryer will have a service life of 8 to 10 years. The cost of paper towels over that period of time can be significantly higher than the cost of hand dryers.

Hand dryers can also contribute to a tidier restroom. Used paper towel bins can become overfilled and unsightly and can ruin the appearance of an otherwise clean restroom.

The hand dryer can be an attractive choice for those that are focused on "green" products and processes. There is no felling of trees and much less consumption of natural resources during the manufacturing and transportation processes.

Paper Towels vs Hand Dryers - The Edge to Paper Towels

In terms of hygiene, health, and user preference, paper towels seem to be winning the "debate". Providing your restroom users with a hygienic hand drying option helps protect their health as well as the health of the entire facility.

To address "green" concerns, the paper industry continues to develop methodologies to minimize its environmental footprint. This includes reductions in CO2 emissions and use of paper products that are biodegradable.

Facility managers should consider all information available when faced with the decision of using hand dryers or paper towels.