Supreme Maintenance Organization News & Insights

Tips for Maintaining a Clean and Healthy Break Room

Written by David Murphy | Aug 13, 2019 11:30:00 AM

The employee break room is one of the most high-traffic areas within any facility. A well-maintained break room provides employees with a healthy environment in which to relax and enjoy food and drink. Conversely, a poorly-maintained break room can create a host of employee health and morale problems. Following a few basic break room maintenance tips can help ensure that your employees have a clean and healthy environment that they actually enjoy.

Break Room Maintenance - The Basics

Employee break rooms can vary in size and function, from small nook areas with a few basic accommodations to larger cafeteria-style environments. These differences in break room types can create some distinct cleaning requirements, but, there are some basics that should be followed regardless of size or function.

Keep Your Appliances Clean

Nothing will ruin a break room experience quicker than dirty appliances. Refrigerators, freezers, and microwaves all receive a lot of use---and abuse. Poorly maintained appliances not only create unpleasant odors, they can also become a breeding ground for germs and bacteria.

Establishing a routine for appliance cleaning and disinfection is critical. Your cleaning/disinfection frequency should be based on the amount of traffic in your break room and the level of appliance use. High touch areas (doors, handles, latches, etc.) should receive special attention.

Sinks and Counter Surfaces

Sinks and counters can be a natural breeding ground for germs and bacteria. Your break room maintenance routine should include frequent cleaning of these areas.

Using sponges on these surfaces can actually make the problem worse by transferring contaminates from one surface to another. Using brushes or paper towels will allow you to clean those surfaces more effectively without any inadvertent cross-contamination. Make sure that sink faucets and handles are regularly disinfected with a high-quality sanitizer. A good sanitizer will eliminate up to 99.99% of bacteria.


Your floors not only set the tone for the appearance of your break room, they also play a critical role in the room's overall health. Dirty floors can provide a safe haven for a variety of germs and contaminates. They can also attract insects and other pests.

A robust break room maintenance program will include frequent cleaning and disinfection of flooring surfaces. Hard surfaces (tile, concrete, etc.) should be frequently swept and mopped. Carpeted areas should be routinely vacuumed and subjected to deep-cleaning a couple of times per year.

Trash Cans

Make sure that your trash cans are emptied as frequently as possible. Trash cans should be lined and properly sealed. Routine cleaning should include the washing and disinfection of trash can interiors. Using a spray disinfectant can control germs as well as prevent the growth of odor-generating mold. Make sure to follow manufacturer instructions for dwell-time to ensure maximum effectiveness. 

Following these break room maintenance basics will provide your employees with a break environment that is enjoyable and healthy; an environment that they will look forward to participating in.