Supreme Maintenance Organization News & Insights

SMO Team Member of the Month - September 2020

Written by David Murphy | Dec 8, 2020 12:30:00 PM

Congratulations to Greg Wilson - he is SMO’s September Team Member of the Month! Greg has helped us get off to a great start at his job site in South Carolina. His manager, Arlene, had nothing but positive things to say about Greg: “Greg believes in Team Attitude. During September Greg not only did his own demanding job but also helped out with coverage at a second school to help SMO succeed. The customer was very complimentary about his work!”

Every month we ask our team member of the month to complete a short interview. When I asked Greg what he liked most about his job and working for SMO, he said “I enjoy the work I do and my coworkers. It’s nice, and I appreciate my supervisor too. SMO is a lot better than my previous jobs – now I have more hours and more responsibility. I appreciate this award!” We’re thankful that you joined the SMO Team, Greg! Thank you for all you do!