adopt-a-street w. title

SMO has been participating in Adopt-a-Street since 2007. Adopt-a-Street involvement helps provide the community with cleaner streets, a reminder not to litter, and an opportunity for SMO team members to volunteer in the community along side fellow co-workers.


Ken Allen
Duncan Bass
Chris Collins
Gary Collins
Kevin Collins
Lisa Collins
Shanda Everett
Tommy Everett
Steve Gardner
Carmen Gardner
Marlene Lash
David Murphy
Paula Murphy
Alex Patterson
Duryea Taylor
Paula Williams-Fuller
Diana Wilson

Being a professional janitorial business provider for over 32 years now, cleaning is something SMO knows about, which makes Adopt-a-Street the perfect way to give back.

The street that SMO has adopted and committed to keeping clean for over 14 years is Muris Chapel Rd. in Greensboro, NC. Chris Collins, transition manager with SMO says, "I love participating in Adopt-a-Street because it is a great way to not only volunteer in the community, but spend quality time with other team members while keeping the streets clean." We are thankful for this group of volunteers that sacrificed their Saturday morning to volunteer.