It is important to routinely follow up on your floor care practices. Experienced BSCs, like Supreme Maintenance Organization, maintain the most up to date floor care techniques to ensure their customers floors get treated at the...
Navigating the coronavirus pandemic has been difficult for everyone, but it has been especially difficult for teachers. As we move away from remote learning and students are returning to the classroom, keeping learning...
As we head into the winter season, Covid-19 is still at the forefront of everyone's mind. Because of the dominance of the pandemic, it is easy to forget about the seasonal threats to public health that we routinely deal with this...
How to Maintain a Safe Image During COVID 19 Reputation is key to maintaining business relationships, especially in the uncertain time of Covid-19. A safe image can be a boost to employee morale and will keep your customers and...
The condition of your floors can set the tone for the appearance of your entire facility. Well-maintained flooring can create a positive first impression for your visitors as well as provide a healthier environment for your...
Proper hand washing has been a crucial factor during our battle against the COVID-19 virus. As we begin the process of slowly returning to our normal routines the natural tendency will be to become less diligent in our hand...
As businesses across the county begin to reopen, the adherence to robust cleaning and disinfection routines will be critical. Keeping employees safe from the COVID-19 virus will continue to require diligence and attention to...
After a couple of months of adhering to "shelter-in-place" mandates and the subsequent shuttering of businesses across this country, many states are now considering partial relaxation of those restrictions. Guidelines for...