Ceiling Tile Maintenance-Keeping YOur Ceilings Clean & Healthy

Ceiling Tile Maintenance-Keeping YOur Ceilings Clean & Healthy

Have you glanced up at your ceiling tiles lately? Probably not. We seldom have the occasion to cast our eyes upward while assessing the cleanliness of our facilities. As a result, the condition of ceiling tiles often goes unchecked until a significant problem has already developed. Dirty/stained ceiling tiles not only detract from a facility’s appearance they can also create health risks for the building's occupants.

Proper ceiling tile maintenance requires the same level of diligence as many other aspects of facility upkeep. Following a few basic maintenance techniques will help keep your ceilings clean and healthy.

Acoustic Ceiling Tile Cleaning

Cleaning dirty and/or stained tiles is not a complicated process. There are a couple of approaches you can consider.

A Basic Approach

  • Vacuum or Hand Dust: Using a standard vacuum is a good way to remove loose dust and dirt from ceiling tiles. To help reach the tiles use a vacuum equipped with a nozzle extension. For smaller areas a feather duster may be used but will usually require the use of a ladder which adds a bit of safety risk to the process. Hand dusting is also more time consuming. When vacuuming or dusting make sure to pay special attention to any tiles that are close to HVAC vents.
  • Stain Removal: You will likely have some tiles that have been stained due to condensation buildup, air contaminates, mold accumulation, etc. These stained tiles can be cleaned individually using the following process:
    • Use clean warm water to dampen a high-quality sponge.
    • Clean the stain by moving the damp sponge in a single direction across the tile's surface.
    • For more stubborn stains add one (1) tablespoon of liquid detergent to one (1) gallon of warm water. Moisten the sponge with the mixed solution and work the stain with the sponge. Avoid using too much force as this could damage the tile.
    • When finished, rinse the tile(s) with a damp cloth making sure to remove any residual cleaning solution.

An Alternative Approach - Using Wet/Dry Equipment

To increase efficiency and effectiveness many BSC's and internal cleaning operations use wet/dry equipment to clean acoustic tiles. A few advantages and considerations for this approach:

  • The use of wet/dry equipment can help protect ceiling tiles from the abuse of hand cleaning.
  • The chemicals used as part of a wet/dry process can produce better cleaning results and brighter tiles.
  • Spray wands are more efficient and more ergonomically friendly to the operator
  • Requires close adherence to manufactures instructions regarding equipment use and maintenance.

Regardless of your approach, most acoustic ceiling tile manufactures recommend that tiles be cleaned every two or three years.

Incorporating a ceiling tile maintenance process into your overall building maintenance program can pay long-term dividends for your operation. Clean ceiling tiles will last longer, they look better, and they help provide a healthy environment for your building's occupants and visitors.

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