Hiring a BSC For Your School - The Advantages

Hiring a BSC For Your School - The Advantages

When it comes to traffic, use, and stress, few facility types can match the environment within a school. Whether public or private, primary or secondary, all schools pose significant challenges to those responsible for keeping them clean and healthy. High levels of traffic, messy students, and crowded conditions all combine to put significant pressure on a campus environment. To address these challenges an increasing percentage of schools are now hiring BSC's to provide professional cleaning services.

Why is that? What are some of the advantages of hiring a BSC for your school?

A Cleaner Environment Promotes Learning

There is much documented evidence that indicate that students benefit from a campus environment that is professionally cleaned and maintained. A well-maintained classroom provides the student with a sense of well-being and helps increase focus. We all function better within a clean and tidy environment; students are no different.

A BSC (especially those with school experience) will bring a level of cleaning expertise that an internal cleaning staff may not possess. An experienced BSC will be able to employ cleaning tools and techniques that promote a more pleasant environment for all occupants within a school campus. This expertise can include:

  • A broader range of floor maintenance experience (carpet, tile, wood, concrete)
  • Touch-point cleaning methodologies
  • "Green" cleaning technologies
  • Prevention of foot-traffic contaminate incursion
  • And more.....



Better Cleaning = Reduced Absenteeism

Hiring a BSC for your school can help curb rates of absenteeism. According to ISSA statistics on school cleanliness , a school's performance can be negatively impacted by improper maintenance. Those statistics include:

  • ~ 60 million school days are lost each year due to the combination of flu and cold
  • Teacher absences cost schools more than $25 billion annually
  • Only 43.5% of schools provide guidance for infectious disease prevention

A qualified BSC will bring effective tools and expertise in the fight against infectious disease. From more robust cleaning processes to maximized use of disinfectants, a BSC can significantly improve the overall cleanliness, and health, of a school campus.

A "Greener" Learning Environment

Hiring a BSC with green cleaning experience will help reduce the environmental footprint of your school. A green-cleaning initiative can also set a positive example for your students, teachers, and administrators.

A BSC that employs green cleaning technology will be utilizing chemicals and materials that have been "green certified" by the EPA or UL. When used properly, the amount of green chemical consumption---and waste---can be less than when using traditional chemicals and methods. This can result in an overall supply cost savings for the school.

Hiring a BSC for your school can bring a host of benefits. More professional services, greater levels of expertise, up-to-date technologies, and reduced cost can all combine to make your school cleaner, healthier, greener, and more efficient.

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