thumbnail_Influenze-Protect Your Facility With Disinfectants

thumbnail_Influenze-Protect Your Facility With Disinfectants

The onset of the fall season will bring an explosion of color and much-needed cooler temperatures across many areas of the country. It will also put us on the doorstep of the annual flu season.

Combating the spread of flu is a challenge for any type of facility. Schools, office buildings, factories, etc. can all be negatively impacted by uncontrolled spread of influenza. Fortunately, there are several preventative measures that can be employed that will help protect the inhabitants of your facility.  One of the weapons in the anti-flu arsenal is the use of disinfectants. 

Disinfectants - A Flu Season Defense

Flu viruses are tough organisms. Even when robust hand-washing and other cleaning routines are applied there will likely be some germs and virus that survive. Those survivors will be prime candidates for transfer to a wide range of high-touch surfaces within your facility. To compound the problem, it is estimated that a flu virus can survive for up to 48 hours on some types of surfaces. Those surfaces can include: countertops, doorknobs, light switches, computer keyboards, faucets, elevator buttons, vending machines, and break room appliances. When not routinely disinfected, those surfaces can become a hotbed of disease. 

Increase Your Frequency

During the flu season---typically October through May---your disinfection routine will need to be accelerated. It is recommended that all high-touch surfaces be cleaned and disinfected at least once per day. For high-traffic facilities (schools, public facilities, high-occupancy office buildings, etc.) it may be necessary to disinfect twice per day. Your investment in a more frequent disinfection schedule can more than pay for itself over the course of the flu season.

Use the Right Products in the Right Way

Your disinfection routine will only be as good as the products you use. Using sub-standard materials and products will only short-circuit your efforts to protect your facility. Make sure that any disinfectant you select has been certified by the EPA. Those products will have an EPA Registration Number located somewhere on the product label. Many of those products will also include a listing of their germ/virus-killing active ingredients. Those can include: hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite, and citric acid…among others.

There are a variety of disinfecting wipes available on the market today. These combination products have the advantage of providing cleaning and disinfection within one cost-effective product.

It is extremely important to follow all manufacturer’s instructions contained within the product's packaging. For any disinfectant to perform at its maximum germ/virus-killing efficiency all instructions must be closely followed. Parameters such as application rates, application methods, dwell times, and usage frequencies are specified for a reason. Avoid taking shortcuts.

Stepping up your disinfection routines during the upcoming flu season will be a vital tool in your anti-flu toolbox. Using the right products, in the right way, on the right surfaces will help protect your facility and its occupants from the debilitating effects of influenza.


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