From Rags to...More Rags Perseverance

From Rags to...More Rags PerseveranceIn their new book, From Rags to....More Rags, authors David Murphy and Gary Collins have crafted a compelling narrative chronicling the 30-year history of Supreme Maintenance Organization (SMO). This post is part one of a four-part series that will highlight portions of the story that they have so richly told in their book.


What have been some of the keys to SMO's success? What has enabled them to expand, from humble beginnings, into a multi-million dollar operation that continues to thrive and expand? How have they attained a 30-year anniversary while navigating through periods of economic turmoil and uncertainty?

When asked this question, David and Gary are quick to respond: perseverance. Without the ability to persevere it is unlikely that SMO would have attained that impressive 30-year anniversary. Their determination and stick-to-itiveness has not only enabled SMO to survive and thrive as a company, but has also paid dividends to all members of the extended SMO family of employees, customers, and contractors.

Over their 30-year history that perseverance has been manifested in several areas; including:

  • Shifts in client base: At one point SMO lost a client that represented ~ 50% of their existing business. Gary and David recall how they absorbed that severe blow, evaluated the causes and effects, and then set about on a path to recovery.
  • Management of clients:  Over the years SMO has built an impressive list of loyal, long-term, clients. That has not always been easy. Commitment to total customer satisfaction has been a driving force. In one case that commitment led to an episode of dumpster-diving by Gary; a story that is vividly recalled in the book!
  • Sticking to what you do best: Most successful business enterprises are eventually tempted to venture into other business opportunities outside of their core competence. SMO is no exception. David and Gary recall their forays into other business opportunities and how they eventually came back to focus on what they do best.

For those interested in reading more of their story you may purchase the book online by click on the following link: From Rags to....More Rags

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