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The pandemic has put a lot of pressure on service teams. Not only has their work become essential, it has also become more demanding. People need clean offices and facilities to conduct business in as safe a manner as possible. That means more work for your service team. It can be difficult keeping them motivated and engaged as the pandemic drags on.

The first thing you need to do as a team manager is stay connected to your team. Notice if a member is getting stressed out or is exhibiting behavior that isn't typical for that person. The pandemic has added a lot of stress to all of our lives and it can be easy for a service team member to have trouble coping.

Here are some tips that will help keep your service team engaged and motivated:

How to keep your service team engaged:

  1. Set realistic goals for them. These goals can be challenging, but they should also be realistic or you run the risk of overworking your service team. Completing tasks provides a sense of accomplishment to your employees. Keeping them focused on completing goals is a great way to keep them engaged, even when the work is difficult.
  2. Recognize good work. Highlighting exceptional work from employees is a good way to keep them engaged and to reward good work. Supreme Maintenance Organization recognizes a team member of the month every month for excellent work, consistent performance, and contributions to the community.
  3. Trust your team. Inspections are necessary for managing any service team, but it is important not to get carried away. Trust your team members to do their job well and empower them to take action when they feel something isn't done correctly.
  4. Keep lines of communication open. This goes back to staying connected to your team. They should feel comfortable bringing anything to your attention, which is why it is important to maintain established lines of communication with them.


How to keep your service team motivated:

  1. Offer them good, competitive pay. Service jobs are demanding and while money isn't the only motivating factor, you should pay your team members what they are worth.

  2. Create a pleasant workplace for your service team. Janitorial work is stressful enough, especially during COVID. Make your workplace as pleasant and enjoyable as possible so your service team members will stay motivated and enjoy coming to work. Supreme Maintenance Organization's Team Member of the Month for the month of May, Joseph, says about his work environment: "The thing I enjoy most about my job is the atmosphere. Here I work independently and at my own pace without feeling the negative pressure I have felt at other jobs..."

  3. Reward good work and provide opportunities to fix mistakes. Rewarding good work is an important motivation for service team members because it provides them with opportunity. Equally important to that is providing them with the opportunity to fix mistakes. If they worry about negative consequences all the time then they will not be motivated to do their best work. Providing team members with a chance to fix their mistakes will prevent them from making the same mistakes over and over again.

Check out what makes Supreme Maintenance Organization one of the best BSCs to work for in the Southeast! Give us a call today to discuss your facility's janitorial needs and to schedule your free quote today 800-717-4766.