In our last post Benefits of Effective Entry Matting, we discussed the various benefits that can be achieved via installation of an entry matting system. In this post we will provide some insight on how to maximize those benefits...
Entry matting has been around for years and, like any technology, there continues to be improvements in the performance of these products as well as in the variety of types of matting products available. Too often, the benefits...
Your cleaning operation has likely made significant investment in various types of floor cleaning equipment (vacuums, scrubbers, buffers, etc.). Those machines are the mechanical workhorses for your provision of floor maintenance...
In last week’s post, Motivating Your Cleaning Staff-Pt 1, we covered a couple of the important aspects of maintaining a motivated cleaning staff. That post highlighted: The Myths of Employee Motivation and The Causes of Poor...
A cleaning staff that exhibits high levels of motivation will consistently outperform those that are less motivated. They will also report higher rates of employee satisfaction and will be more genuinely engaged in their roles. A...
In last week’s post, Creating an Effective Cleaning Safety Program Pt 1, we reviewed three of the elements that should be addressed as part of any cleaning safety program. In that post we discussed: Hazard Communication,...
Creating and maintaining an effective cleaning safety program is essential for any cleaning operation. Over the past 20 years, “safety” has become an increasingly important topic within the cleaning industry. As a result, many...
Which cleaning methodology does your cleaning service provider utilize? Do they follow the Team Cleaning approach or are they still using the Zone Cleaning method? What are the differences between the two? What is Team Cleaning...
Are you considering making an investment in new vacuum cleaning equipment for your cleaning operation? If so, one decision you will likely be pondering is what type of equipment to invest in. Backpacks vs Uprights? Which type of...