SMO Team Member Of The Month May 2020

Rosa Jackson is our SMO team member of the month for May 2020! Rosa is a Cleaning Technician who has been with us in Fayetteville for over three years. 

Her manager Christina nominated her for this award, and had the following to say about Rosa: “Long time, great team member. Mrs. Rosa has the cleanest area on campus. She has perfect attendance, is always on time and is up for any task she’s asked to do to help.”

We always do a short interview with our team member of the month. We asked Rosa what she likes about working with SMO and she told us, “I like that if I see issues there is a system where I can document and report them and get them fixed. I like my supervisor and how responsive she is. I enjoy my work with SMO so much! I’m very happy here.” Congrats again, Rosa! We appreciate you!     
